18 research outputs found

    Marktzugang im Schienenpersonennahverkehr - eine politökonomische Analyse

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    Seit fast zehn Jahren können die LĂ€nder nach dem Gesetz zur Regionalisierung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs Leistungen des Schienenpersonennahverkehrs im Wettbewerb vergeben. Obwohl durch öffentliche Ausschreibungen deutliche EfïŹzienz gewinne zu erwarten sind, wenden die LĂ€nder dieses Instrument erstaunlicherweise selten an. Welche Rolle spielt hierbei die Deutsche Bahn AG? Lastet die Hoffnung auf mehr wirtschaftspolitische Vernunft ein weiteres Mal auf BrĂŒssel? --

    Auf Irrwegen zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung?

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    Sustainable Development ist in der Umweltpolitik zum weithin akzeptierten Leitbild geworden. Die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung wird diesem Leitbild folgend nicht mehr ausschließlich an rein quantitativen Wachstumsergebnissen gemessen, sondern es werden ausdrĂŒcklich ökologische und soziale Ziele gesetzt, die es zu erreichen gilt. Henning Tegner und Peter Jakubowski warnen allerdings vor möglichen IrrtĂŒmern auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. --

    Wege zum ökologischen Ziel

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    Angesichts der großen Handiungsdefizite ist es verwunderlich, das bislang fĂŒr die Umweltpolitik noch immer kein konsistenter, umfassender Zielkatalog existiert. Die Autoren tragen die bisherigen AnsĂ€tze einer entsprechenden Zielsetzung zusammen, diskutieren ihre Konsequenzen und extrahieren daraus ein Entscheidungsverfahren fĂŒr die umweltpolitische Zielfindung

    Overview of Infrastructure Charging, part 4, IMPROVERAIL Project Deliverable 9, “Improved Data Background to Support Current and Future Infrastructure Charging Systems”

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    Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in accordance with Directive 91/440, as well as the new railway infrastructure directives, by developing the necessary tools for modelling the management of railway infrastructure; by evaluating improved methods for capacity and resources management, which allow the improvement of the Life Cycle Costs (LCC) calculating methods, including elements related to vehicle - infrastructure interaction and external costs; and by improving data background in support of charging for use of railway infrastructure. To achieve these objectives, Improverail is organised along 8 workpackages, with specific objectives, responding to the requirements of the task 2.2.1/10 of the 2nd call made in the 5th RTD Framework Programme in December 1999.This part is the task 7.1 (Review of infrastructure charging systems) to the workpackage 7 (Analysis of the relation between infrastructure cost variation and diversity of infrastructure charging systems).Before explaining the economic characteristics of railway and his basic pricing principles, authors must specify the objectives of railways infrastructure charging.principle of pricing ; rail infrastructure charging ; public service obligation ; rail charging practice ; Europe ; Improverail

    Zur (Ir)Relevanz pekuniaerer externer Effekte

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    SIGLEAvailable from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel W 278 (237) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Umweltchemikalienhaftung und Risikostandards

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    SIGLEAvailable from Bibliothek des Instituts fuer Weltwirtschaft, ZBW, Duesternbrook Weg 120, D-24105 Kiel C 200697 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Results of meniscal injuries repair using different arthroscopic techniques

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    Aim: Evaluation of clinical and radiological outcomes following meniscal repair using different arthroscopic techniques for all meniscal tears amenable for repair. Methods: Sixty-one patients were involved in a prospective study; all cases presented with meniscal tears underwent arthroscopic meniscal repair from December 2016 to December 2017. Outcomes involved the site of tear, the repair technique, and associated injuries. The International Knee Documentation Committee Score (IKDC) and Tegner Lysholm Knee Score were used to analyze the clinical and functional outcomes postoperatively. Results: Of the 61 patients, 50 patients (81.9%) had meniscal tear associated with isolated ligamentous ACL injury, 6 cases had corrective osteotomy with ACL reconstruction to correct concomitant genu varus, 2 cases (3.3%) had meniscal tear associated with isolated ligamentous PCL injury, and 9 patients (14.8%) presented with isolated meniscal tear; IKDC was preoperatively (44.52 ± 8.79), postoperatively at 6 months (90.97 ± 6.75) and at 12 months (92.27 ± 2.68) with P-value (0.001). Tegner Lysholm score was preoperatively (52.16 ± 12.22), postoperatively at 6 months (88.03 ± 6.84) and at 12 months (93.26 ± 2.95) with P-value (0.001). Fifty eight patients (95.1%) had no postoperative symptoms at 6 and 12 months’ follow-up. The remaining 3 cases (4.9%) underwent partial meniscectomy due to persistent postoperative clinical symptoms with no signs of healing in MRI. Conclusions: Our study concluded that arthroscopic meniscal repair is an effective way in the management of meniscal tears regarding clinical and functional outcomes

    Overview of Infrastructure Charging, part 4, IMPROVERAIL Project Deliverable 9, “Improved Data Background to Support Current and Future Infrastructure Charging Systems”

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    IMPROVERAIL project Commissioned by the European Commission, DG TREN.IMPROVERAIL: Improved Tools for Railway Capacity and Access Management.WP7: Analysis of the relation between infrastructure cost variation and diversity of infrastructure charging systems.Task 7.1 : Review of infrastructure charging systems.pp. 26-53Chapitre de rapport de rechercheImproverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in accordance with Directive 91/440, as well as the new railway infrastructure directives, by developing the necessary tools for modelling the management of railway infrastructure; by evaluating improved methods for capacity and resources management, which allow the improvement of the Life Cycle Costs (LCC) calculating methods, including elements related to vehicle - infrastructure interaction and external costs; and by improving data background in support of charging for use of railway infrastructure. To achieve these objectives, Improverail is organised along 8 workpackages, with specific objectives, responding to the requirements of the task 2.2.1/10 of the 2nd call made in the 5th RTD Framework Programme in December 1999.This part is the task 7.1 (Review of infrastructure charging systems) to the workpackage 7 (Analysis of the relation between infrastructure cost variation and diversity of infrastructure charging systems).Before explaining the economic characteristics of railway and his basic pricing principles, authors must specify the objectives of railways infrastructure charging